Online Japanese lesson

Sorry, Japanese lessons are currently full, so I can’t accept new students at the moment. However, if you’ve taken my Japanese lessons before, please feel free to let me know.

Express Yourself with Confidence in Japanese

Lesson Overview

Have you ever felt, ‘I wish I could express that in Japanese!’?

For those who want to improve their ability to speak the language. To improve your language skills, you need to “find a learning method that works for you and keep at it”. This style of learning is recommended for those who want to learn at their own pace with professional guidance and make learning a habit.

傾聴コーチ・キャリアカウンセラー 吉田有美(ゆみ)

For those of you who want to continue learning Japanese

  • For students who have no problem with everyday conversation but struggle with more complex topics
  • For learners who have studied vocabulary and grammar to a good level but lack the confidence for conversation
  • For people with a keen interest in or who have always wanted to live in Japan
  • For individuals who want to talk about articles or novels they have read

A message from Yumi Yoshida

Thanks for visiting this website.I’m a specialist teacher offering private classes for intermediate and advanced clients.

As you know, improving your Japanese makes it easier and more convenient to work and form human relationships in Japan. In addition, you’ll become more familiar with Japanese culture and your favorite content.

However, many clients cease their studies once they can manage everyday conversation.The reason for that is threefold.

  1. The topics spoken about with Japanese friends and colleagues can be limited.Japanese people don’t correct Japanese mistakes.
  2. Videos, apps, and e-learning provide many chances to ‘input’ Japanese, but the lack of a partner limits the ‘output’ opportunities and restricts conversation skill improvement.
  3. It is hard to continue studying and practicing on your own without losing enthusiasm.

This private lesson is the perfect way to eliminate all three of those issues.

I will provide feedback on the areas of improvement and those in need of extra work, as well as devising conversation practice to suit your personal aims. Homework is also set for every class, ensuring there is no room for slacking off.I will watch over you and support your independent Japanese study. 

Like: Osamu Dazai、Haruki Murakami、hiking, cats, coffee,
Films about people’s everyday lives,

Please send us your requests for lessons and three possible dates and times for free sessions. Please feel free to contact us.


Lesson styles and features

  1. Read the article → write a report → talk about it in the lesson….I send you an article each time according to your purpose and level. Please read it and write a report before the next lesson. In the lesson, use the new vocabulary from the article and talk about your opinions and thoughts. I will conduct an interview and answer your questions.
  2. JLPT exam course…..To make sure you make progress towards passing the exam, you’ll receive homework questions that match your level. During lessons, you can also ask questions or work on the exam questions together. I have expertise in the vocabulary and grammar needed for JLPT levels 5 to 1 and can answer your questions.
  3. Talks more like interviews than lessons….I am skilled as an interviewer, so can ask precise questions that will help improve your conversation ability.Bring a 3topic of interest to you. You will be asked a range of questions by me on topics of interest to you and you will improve your conversational skills by answering them.
  4. career counseling…..I am a qualified Career Development Adviser (CDA), so can also provide assistance with regards to any concerns you have at work, job changes, or with regards to communication with Japanese business associates.

Lesson content and materials will be discussed.

How to start a lesson

  • ①Have a 30-minute free session to talk about the lesson
  • ②If it’s okay with you, we’ll schedule it and charge you for the lesson
  • ③After confirming the payment, we will send you the URL of Zoom
  • ④Start the lesson 

Basically, we discuss and give lessons in Japanese.First talk about what you expect from the lesson and if we are both OK, then we can have a lesson.

Fees can be paid by bank transfer, PayPal, or credit card.

1lesson=50min 9:00~19:00 JST





  • 20 years experience as a Japanese teacher 
  • Passed The Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test
  • Completed ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview training 
  • Japan Coaches Association Tokyo: Professional Coach
  • Japan Career Development Association certified: Career Development Adviser (CDA)



  • 日常の会話はできるけれど、それ以上のレベルの複雑な会話が難しい人
  • 文法や語彙をたくさん勉強したけれど、会話に自信がない人
  • ニュースの記事や小説を読んで話したい人
  • ずっと日本に住みたい人・とても日本が好きな人


月曜日から金曜日 9:00-19:00(日本時間)

④レッスン開始 基本的に日本語で話し合い、レッスンをします。


50分コース 平日9:00~19:00






  1. おすすめ!読む→書く→話すコース….あなたの目的やレベルに合わせて毎回記事を送ります。次回のレッスンまでに読んでレポートを書いてください。レッスンでは記事の新しい語彙を使って、あなたの意見や考えを話してください。インタビューをしますから、質問に答えてください。自然に会話力がつきます。
  2. 日本語能力試験(JLPT)コース…..毎回あなたのレベルに合った宿題を出します。レッスンでは質問を受けたり、一緒に問題をしたりします。N5からN1までの語彙や文法の知識があり、質問にすぐに答えられます。
  3. トピック会話….私はインタビューのスキルがあり、あなたの会話力が自然に上達するように的確な質問ができます。あなたが興味のあるテーマで話しましょう。
  4. キャリア相談…..私はCDA(Career Development Adviser)です。仕事の悩み、就職・転職の相談、日本人とのコミュニケーションの相談にも応じます。


  • 日本語教育能力試験合格(2002年)
  • ACTFLーOPI試験管研修修了
  • 日本コーチ連盟 認定コーチ養成プログラム修了
  • キャリアコンサルタント国家試験合格






  1. 日本人と話す話題が限られている。周りの日本人は日本語のミスを治してくれない
  2. 動画やアプリ、Eラーニングなどインプットの機会はあるけど、アウトプットの機会がない→ 相手がいないから会話力が上達している感じがしない
  3. 一人で勉強や練習をすると続けられない。つい怠けてしまう



興味 心理学、キャリア形成、社会問題、


